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Webometric Ranking : First edition of 2022: Web data collected during January 2022 (the 19th year!)

17/02/2022 (Lượt truy cập: 14073)

Webometric Ranking
First edition of 2022: Web data collected during January 2022 (the 19th year!)

          The January edition (2022.1.2 beta) is built with the indicators obtained during this month in order to maintain the freshness of the data of the most current and updated Ranking of Universities.

         This text is the most updated info about the ranking's methodology. It always supersedes the contents provided in the general Methodology. It is also relevant the info provided in the Notes section.

Contact Information

Changes in the calculation of indicators

         Published figures are RANKS (lower is better), intended for showing individual performances, but they are not the values used in the calculations. Due to technical issues several key changes (marked in red) have been done, so the following tablae describes the current methodology:

PLEASE READ: A few practical facts about the Ranking

          Since 2004, the Ranking Web (or Webometrics Ranking) is published twice a year (data is collected during the first weeks of January and July for being public at the end of both months), covering more than 31 000 Higher Education Institutions worldwide. We intend to motivate both institutions and scholars to have a web presence that reflect accurately their activities. If the web performance of an institution is below the expected position according to their academic excellence, university authorities should reconsider their web, open access and transparency policy, promoting substantial increases of the volume and quality of their electronic publications.

        Data is collected between 1 and 20 of January or July, depending of the edition. Each variable is obtained at least two times during that period and the maximum value is chosen for discarding mistakes or errors. Volatility of search engines is very high, so figures can be different and not easily replicated if the search is performed days later. Google info is very geographically biased, so for our purposes the data are collected using the mirror domain, English as language of the interface and Madrid (Spain) as location.

        Final publication is done about the END of January or July, usually not before the 28th. We reserve the right to correct minor errors, mainly those related to the names of institutions, but also specific problems with the data. As a general rule we do not discuss any figure or provide the raw values supporting specific ranks.

Bad practices

          The Webometrics Rank of a university is strongly linked to the volume and quality of the contents it publishes on the Web.

          During the last years we discovered and fight unethical practices intending to manipulate (improving) the ranks of certain universities. In many cases these bad practices are so serious that local authorities should be called, so we decided not to act unilaterally regarding these activities. Results for Presence and Visibility are showed AS THEY ARE COLLECTED and if you suspect any wrongdoing, please contact with the university head, local or national authorities and/or journalists.


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Webometric Ranking : First edition of 2022: Web data collected during January 2022 (the 19th year!) Rating: 5 out of 10 14073.
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